
Wednesday 29 May 2013

Exams for Computer Systems and Software Engineering Students

For your information if you are planning to do Computer Systems and Software Engineering, in second year, you will have five exams.  One of the exams will be a practical exam done on the computer.  Make sure your computer works properly and isn’t as temperamental as my one was before and during the practical exam. 

I have been informed however that the new second year students will not be doing the database module which I had to do this year as they have considered changing the course modules for some reason.  I am not sure why. 

Anyway, back to the reason you are reading this blog today.   My exam timetable schedule for second year was slightly different to first year’s exam timetable.  That being, the amount of exams to do this year was in total five whereas in first year it was only two official exams, assessment quizzes, and assignments.  Second year had five exams, (one being a practical), quizzes, assignments, and a group project.  A lot had been crammed into my second year course.  My overall experience from the exams for second year was good apart from my practical exam which I never want to talk about again.  Second year has taught me a thing or two about university.  I guess people would say you haven’t been to university without experiencing or having a few stressful moments with exams, projects, and assignments all with times/ deadlines mounting on top of you.  They say, it all officially begins in second year so there you go. 

Another difference from first year and second year exam timetables was the exam period.  This year, the exam period lasted three weeks (started w/b 13th May 2013 ended w/b 27th May 2013).  Last year it was a two week period and ended quite early.  This year it felt much longer perhaps because there were more exams to do over the three weeks.

Just some advice before I go, prepare for your exams, know your timetable, the time, date and place where the exam will be held.  That is very important.  Work hard.

If you need any more information leave a comment and I’ll tell you the 411 related to exams for the Computer Systems and Software Engineering course. 

Have a good day J